This journey is for couples who...
Have lost their way in physical touch and would like to learn to reconnect
Who want to learn communication techniques for greater vulnerability, intimacy and connection
Are stuck in a cycle of asking and rejecting around sex and don’t know how to get out of it
Feel distant and like friends rather than lovers
Want to reignite their passion and desire for each other

​Experience vulnerability and feel fully witnessed in your relationship
Deepen intimacy and see your partner in a new way
Connected to your sensations and trusting yourself to be with your inner-experience
Emotional and physical connection at a profound level
Experience pleasure, ecstasy and joy in your sexual encounters and no longer focused on a 'goal'
Heightened connection to the senses
More connected to your wild and primal selves so that you can learn to fully let go
Exploring different types of orgasms so you can begin to experience your full capacity for pleasure

As seen on Channel 4