Facilitated by Carla Crivaro
Sex, Love & Relationship Coach
Carla helps men and women who feel insecure and unsatisfied in the bedroom and who feel lonely and unheard in their relationship. She does this by creating safe spaces for men and women to learn more about their unconscious patterns and behaviours. She does this so they can feel desirable and confident in the bedroom and have a greater connection and intimacy with their partner and feel heard and seen in the relationship.
My Journey
I felt claustrophobic by the challenges of becoming a mother.
Suffocated by the responsibilities I had.
Overwhelmed by the needs of everyone around me which seemed to consume my being.
A feeling of being trapped.
Trapped in my own head.
Trapped in patterns that were continuously repeating themselves but I couldn’t escape from.
Panic from the constant bombardment of demands from everyone and everything.
On the precipice of tears.
I was suffering in silence.
I thought I was the only one. That everyone else was getting on with enjoying life and I was doing a spectacular job… at failing. I could say it was social media and watching everyone living a great life. Or the impossible expectations from the media on women.
But it was none of those things. It was my inability to stop the constant chatter in my head. Everything and everyone seemed to point to my self-fulfilling of stories of ‘not being good enough’, ‘not deserving of the life I want’, the constant comparison and let downs from people in my life. Not living up to my own expectations of what I needed them to be. For me.
And I know you read this, maybe with tears in your eyes. With a dull ache in your heart. A tightness in your throat. Because you recognise it too. You’re either living it or starting to come out of it. And you know the loneliness. The feeling of being on the outside watching in. The sensation of treading water just barely keeping your head above the surface while everyone watches from the sidelines saying to each other ‘she’s doing ok, she isn’t drowning’.
But I was.
I very nearly did.
I spent much of my life feeling quite disconnected to women. I couldn’t trust them and felt that there was always an element of competition and mistrust which prevented me from fully embracing female friendship. I longed to be able to speak with full vulnerability to other women, but every time I did I seemed to get let down in one way or another...
In my work with men and women supporting them with issues ranging from: painful sex; erectile dysfunction; dating problems; recovery after toxic relationships...to name a few... I find that there are patterns of behaviours and ways of being that all my clients have in common.

What I see with my clients is that ultimately we are working on their:
Stepping into their inner-power
Worthiness of love
Feeling of safety
Desire to belong
Self-love & self-acceptance
Ability to say 'no'
Fun, aliveness and play
Taking these core elements I facilitate Women's Circles in person in the UK. They are open to ALL women over the age of 18. We support each other in connecting to the most powerful part of ourselves and a self-love that is able to embrace every part of who we are, especially the parts of ourselves we fear may be rejected by others.
The Women's Circles are held in different parts of the UK bringing women from the local area together. Times of competition and women just not getting on are making way for times of collaboration. Women are looking to heal their sisterhood wounds, to heal their distrust of other women and looking to be supported and held in space with each other.
Women's Circles have played a huge role in my self-development. they have led me to create deep friendships and connections with other women. Having other women be there and listen to me, to see me as a whole person, to share in my pain and my joy, has enabled a huge transformation in the person I am for myself, my children, my family and my partner.